What is Polydactyl?

Polydctyly in felines refers to the congenital physical anomaly of having more than the usual number of toes. In cats, polydactyly is often benign and doesn't cause any harm to the animal. There are a number of genes that might cause this condition, but in felines specifically, the research is still somewhat limited. Here are some key points:

There may be other genetic factors or pathways involved that are yet to be discovered or fully understood. Moreover, environmental factors during embryonic development can also play a role in the manifestation of physical traits, although there's little evidence of this in the context of feline polydactyly.

It's worth noting that while polydactyly is often harmless, there are instances where the extra toes or malformed digits can cause problems, such as nails growing into the paw pads or difficulty walking. In such cases, veterinary intervention might be needed.

When we discuss "good" and "bad" genes related to polydactyly in cats, we're generally referring to how these genes manifest and whether or not they result in medical issues for the feline. In some cases, polydactyl genes can lead to malformations that are more than just cosmetic and might require surgical intervention.

If a cat has problematic manifestations of polydactyly, it's essential to get a veterinarian's advice on the best course of action. While many polydactyl cats never require surgery or any kind of medical intervention, those with more severe manifestations might benefit from surgical procedures to ensure their comfort and health.